Luis and Dona Marianna de Carvajal being burnt at the stake, Mexico, 1601. Provincial administrators were called Corregidores and reported to the viceroy . Alonso and others were soon arrested and beheaded, and Don Martin was forced to go into exile .This ended independence talk at the time and also ended the new law on the encomienda. June 1520 The friars need churches for all these new Christians and a uniquely Mexican architectural form was created to accommodate these large numbers of new converts . Glazed pottery was brought to Mexico from Talavera de la Reina, Spain in the 16th century .Many people consider Puebla, Mexico the home of Mexican Talavera because of the first regulations and standards for determining uniformity and excellence of the traditional Mexican Talavera.Talavera is characterized by bright colors and floral designs .Because of the extensive imports from China to Mexico on the galleons , Chinese ceramic was soon imitated, particularly their designs. Metropolitan Cathedral ( Catedral Metropolitana ) Begun in 1573 and worked on for hundreds of years .built on top of an Aztec temple and has been sinking since its construction .There are altarpieces here by the colonial painter Juan Correa . Raising cattle had more prestige than growing crops. By 1540, 50 such churches had been built . The Creole Count Regla was the wealthiest man in Spain from his silver mines . By 1810, there were an estimated six million inhabitants in New Spain, of which 60,000 were Spanish born in Spain, 940,000 were Spanish born in the territories, 3.5 million were indigenous Mexicans, and 1.5 million were Mestizos—of mixed Spanish and Indian blood. The written history of Mexico spans more than three millennia. The Council regulated many aspects of life in New Spain, to the location of churches to what kind of crops could be grown . These were suppressed by summary trials and sentences of perpetual imprisonment, principally in San Luis Potos, Guanajuato and parts of Michoacan. For the beginning of the colonial period there were religious disputes .The encomenderos resented what they saw as interference in Indian matters .The various orders sometimes fought over control of various territories .There were also quarrels with civil authorities .The most famous of which was an episode between the Jesuits and the bishop of Puebla, Juan de Palafox, who also held civil post and served the viceroy over the wealth of the Jesuits in which the secular church was gained more power . They built fortress missions across New Spain .Nine million were baptized by 1537. The baptism of Indians began with the march of Cortes . It broke up old monopolies to permit more ports such as Campeche and Progreso to compete with Vera Cruz and Acapulco . Both empires had huge caches of gold and silver and sophisticated cultures with built-in labor classes. By 1560 there were barely 20,000 Spaniards in Mexico . In 1529 Nuno de Guzman became one of three judges in Mexico City which led to one of the lowest points of Spanish administration in Mexico .This period between the rule of Cortes and the viceroys  was a time of corruption, graft and injustice as Guzman and the other oidores sought to enrich themselves and gain power . Such conditions led to rebellions and became hard to obtain laborer . Subscribe to our Mexico Newsletter - It's Free, See Also: Essential Skills for Expats Series, See Also: Articles about Learning Spanish, See Also: Articles about Mexican Beverages. They were sometimes made into slaves. Many of the colonists who came to New Spain wanted to make their wealth and return to Spain. The onset of the Spanish Inquisition in Mexico in 1571 marked the end of the idealistic religious period of Renaissance influenced humanism of the mid 16th century . When he returned, he had the enemies hanged, but the Crown remained suspicious and Cortes, hoping to clear his name went to Spain . The Spanish presence in Mexico was concentrated in Mexico City . Colonization and Independence. The Colonization of Colombia Despite its name, Colombia was not founded by the explorer Christopher Columbus; he never even set foot in the country throughout the history of Colombia. The European colonization of the Americas describes the Age of Exploration and the resulting conquest of indigenous lands. It was the beginning of colonization through the Spanish. men born in New Spain would hold this office . Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez conquered Mexico in 1521. Cortes was appointed governor and captain general of New Spain in 1522 and he moved energetically to explore new lands and develop the economy .Cortes brought the first stocks of cattle to Mexico as well as sheep and goats and introduced European plants . These became one of the greatest sources of information about Mesoamerican civilization . The company heavily taxed Indian residents and prevented them from holding office. Across colonial Mexico twelve thousand churches were built and today almost ninety percent of Mexico's population is Roman Catholic. Despite the stories of fabulous wealth, the number of  Spanish colonists was low. Mesoamerican history before Europeans arrived is variously called the prehispanic era and the precolumbian era. Angered by the injustice and mistreatment of the Indians and corruption, he preached sermons condemning the judges at risk to his life. The Aztec people had previously made a fermented beverage from the agave plant, which they called octli (later, and more popularly called pulque. He was related to the royal family . With the expedition was Father Junipero Serra, a Franciscan Father who would have a tremendous influence in the colonization of California through the establishment of missions. Between 1521 and 1650 the Indian population was heavily reduced, largely as a result of fighting, diseases brought by the Spaniards against which they had no defenses, and the destructive effects of colonization on their way of life. Spain defeated Aztec Empire. .One of the most famous literary stars of the colonial period was a woman, Sor (Sister ) Juana de la Cruz ( 1651 - 1695 ). Before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock, Mexico City was a piece of Europe in the New world with cathedrals, plazas, hospitals and universities . In 1562 the Crown bought the fortress. I don't think they would have been able to hold on to Central America and Mexico without a pretty contested fight. In the years 1884 and 1885, the Berlin Conference formalized European colonization of Africa. Philippe de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou, who became King Philip V of Spain. .The Bourbons streamlined the vice regal administration, replacing 200 low paid, unskilled corregidores and local mayors with 12 regional intendents . All trade with New Spain had to be approved by Spain and carried on Spanish ships and through the one official port of Vera Cruz to collect duties . A statue of Lamport is immediately inside the monument to Independence. There was much opposition to this by the Spaniards in Mexico. August 1521 In 1642 he tried to foment rebellion against the Spanish crown, with the aid of blacks and Indians, as well as creole merchants, but was denounced by a man he had hoped to recruit for his plan and arrested, languishing in the Inquisition jail for 17 years. During the period 1878-1882, some were signed with Enrico Valentino Conti, Sociedad Rovatti y Cía., Francisco Rizzo and José A. Fulcheri, with the aim of establishing Italian settlers in Mexico. Over time as the Indians gained more rights the encomiendas faded away . The Spanish also controlled commerce. At that time the local Mexicans revolted against Spanish rule. Defeats Aztecs The Catholic reverence for saints, with their holidays and elaborate  religious processions were similar to Mesoamerican practices . New Spain was exploited for the benefit of Spain with little reinvestment . Iw was destroyed in the 1692 uprising and rebuilt and became the viceroy residence until Mexican Independence . An example is the Palacio de Mineria in Mexico City . The country was extremely over regulated and taxed . In 1561 French pirates sacked the town of Campeche In 1683 the French pirate Lorenzillo attacked Vera Cruz and took much loot and ..This curtailed trade since for a long time the galleons sailed in a protected convoy once a year .Industries that could compete with those of Spain were prohibited and was trade with other countries, so New Spain produced few manufactured goods for export .One example of this is the olive and wine industry, introduced by friars but eventually banned by Spain as competing with Spanish growers . Spaniards tried to recreate the styles of Spain in Mexico, but was modified by the new land. The colonization was orchestrated by the East India Company, a British corporation that traded cotton, silk, spices and tea. There were many other Creoles who made fortunes in silver mining such as Count Bassoco and Count Valenciana . Castillo de Chapultepec, built in 1785 as a viceroyal residence and site of the boy heroes of the Mexican war . In the process, Indians started to write Nahuatl in the Roman alphabet rather than in pictographs. The also taught Spanish to the Indians and opened universities for Indian nobles , such as.\ Franciscan college of Santa cruz de Tlatelolco. Below them were the people of color with many different terms for the various combinations of Europeans, Indians and African slaves . In the early years building were built along gothic, mudejar ( Moorish ) and Romanesque lines . The expedition had one unintended consequence . The church of Santa Prisca in Taxco, built in the late 18th century, considered one of the best examples of the Mexican baroque style . Churches gained a fortress like appearance because of Indian attacks, thick walls were needed because of earthquakes. Villages like Huatusco, in Veracruz, and Tlatlauquitepec, in Puebla, housed the Italian settlements. Under his rule Spain once again became a world power . Meanwhile, the first bishop of Mexico Juan de Zumarraga arrived in 1527 . Basilica Guadalupe, Shrine built around 1700 where the Virgin of Guadalupe was first sighted in 1531 . He had named a great-nephew, Philippe de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou (a grandson of the reigning French king Louis XIV ) as his successor. By 1900, when the force of the quick colonization was over, the majority of the land in Africa was divided up amongst seven different European colonizing nations: Britain, France, Spain, … The Franciscan monks were the first to arrive in 1524. Under the Spanish administration, the indigenous population did not fare well. The colonial period lasted until the revolt of 1810 which was led by a priest, Miguel Hidalgo, known today as the father of Mexico's independence. The Indians, vengeful of their treatment by Guzman took advantage of the opportunity to rebel in the ensuing Mixton War ( 1540-41), led by Tenamaxtli , the most serious revolt of the times .Alavardo himself was killed trying to subdue the Indians and the rebellion ended only after the viceroy led a large army into the area .Mendoza left a flourishing colony when he retired in 1550 with a legacy of strong royal rule .His successor, Luis de Velasco (1550-64) became known as the father of the Indians . By 1810, New Spain produced 75 percent of all the profit from Spain's colonies .Yet little was reinvested in New Spain . The Age of Exploration represents the beginning of the establishment of Western European control in what is now considered North and South America. Overview of Spanish control of the Americas through the use of the Encomienda System. It was the crown jewel in Spains holdings in the New World.After the Spanish conquered the Aztecs in 1521, Mexico grew to include most of present day … 1490 1492 Voyage of Columbus 1530 1570 1610 1519–1521 Cortés conquers the Aztecs. Retreat(NocheTriste) After eleven years of bloody, global warfare, fought on four continents and three oceans, the Duc d'Anjou, as Philip V, was confirmed as King of Spain on substantially the same terms that the powers of Europe had agreed to before the war. . The Spanish population grew during that time. The Indians, wishing to get rid of the gold fevered Spanish quickly, always told the Spanish the gold cities were further on .Eventually, Coronado  went as far north as Kansas before returning to Mexico empty handed . Recently there has been a revival of wine making in Mexico in northern Baja and near Zacatecas . The king and the Council of the Indies decided New Spain needed a ruler to offset the popularity of Cortes and project the authority of the Crown , a viceroy . Zambos, persons who were mixed indio and negro. He paid for the conquistadors wives to come to Mexico from Spain and encouraged his men to marry native women, beginning the first mestizos, children of Spanish and native Mexican blood . The were gremios  or guilds for each of the crafts such as blacksmiths, tailors, etc , which fixed the price of goods and their quality .To become a master one had to pass an examination and have ones works pass inspection by the guild . They organized their colonies in Mexico, and … The salary for these positions was low and it was expected supplement their income by some sort of abuse of power .Provincial towns were organized by royal decree, all were to have a main plaza, church , royal palace and town hall with streets laid out in a grid pattern .Large cities such as Oaxaca, Puebla and Guadalajara were large enough to have cathedrals and grand palaces . However,  rising prices for silver enabled mine owners to pay more for labor which solved the labor problem . The was also a tax on imports and exports called an almojarifazgo .With the ' free hand ' of economics stifled, industry could not grow and advance, which was to have terrible consequences for Spain's colonies and Spain itself . The presidios (military towns), pueblos (civilian towns) and the misiones (missions) were the three major agencies employed by the Spanish crown to extend its borders and consolidate its colonial territories in these territories. Cholos, persons with one indio parent and one mestizo parent. I should also point out that France totally did try to colonize those areas: once in 1808 with the Napoleonic invasion of Spain and again 1861 with French intervention in Mexico! The friars helped get laws passed such as the papal bull of 1537 and the New Laws, which declared the Indians were humans and capable of salvation and outlawing Indian slavery . By the end of the 16th century the encomiendas were not producing enough due to the Indian labor shortage and lack of Indians to make tribute . The Indians owed them tribute as well as forced labor and was a thinly disguised form of slavery . Some of the famous sights from the colonial period in Mexico City are : The National Palace ( Palacio Nacional ) Cortes destroyed the Palace of Moctezuma in 1521 and built a palace fortress. For almost 300 years after 1521, Mexico was a colony of Spain and known as La Nueva España or New Spain. Many were influenced by the Renaissance ideas of the time , that they could create an ideal society such as Thomas More's Utopia and St. Augustin's City of God , which would perhaps lead to the second coming of Christ .Some of these communities became self sustaining and even prosperous with their own craft making . Below them were the Spanish born in Mexico the Creoles ( criollos ). While Cortes was conquering the Aztec capital, no one in Spain was aware of it and Cortes conquest was without official recognition . University of the Cloister of Sor Juana, the former convent of the great poet Sor Juana, built in 1585 . It was used with greater frequency in the 18th century to prosecute those involved in political  dissent . He had two main concerns, improve the economy of New Spain and improve its defenses against foreign powers .The Crown developed a professional army in New Spain during the war to deal with the encroachments of the Russians in the northwest and English and developed colony in San Francisco and missions in Texas . In 1740, the fleet system was suspended as the threat of piracy decreased and abolished by 1789  .Taxes were lowered to encourage silver mining . The following 300 years mark the Colonial era, when the territories of New Spain were expanded under the control of local viceroys, named by the Spanish crown. The crown had a monopoly on pulque, which was a major source of revenue .The Spanish discovered that by roasting the hearts of the agave plant and fermenting the liquid they could produce tequila . The Moorish style can be seen in the interior and domes  of the Capilla Real in Cholulu .In the mid 16th century, the influence of the Spanish Renaissance began to be felt and a style known as plateresque ( silversmith ) with intricate plasterwork began to be seen . They greatly impressed the Indians by walking from Vera Cruz to Mexico City barefoot in their simple friar  clothing .They were not seeking a Cibola and riches in gold. The largest class were the Indians, which were the wards of the church and the Crown . Spain’s early explorations of the New World gave that country a great head start over its European rivals. It was the crown jewel in Spains holdings in the New World.After the Spanish conquered the Aztecs in 1521, Mexico grew to include most of present day Central America and the southwestern United States. The mendicant monks were respected for their vows of poverty , monastic life and humble character . The intendents were well paid and experienced administrators and were better able to collect taxes and tribute for the Crown ..The number of Manila galleon fleets increased to two annually . The word doubloon (from Spanish doubloon, meaning double), meaning a double-sided token coin, often refers to a seven-gram (0.225 troy ounce) gold coin minted in Spain, Mexico, Peru, or Nueva Granada. The Spanish conquistador led an expedition to … Prior to this time, world superpowers such as Portugal, France, and Britain had already set up colonies in Africa. Cortes granted his soldiers encomiendas ( land grants )which granted an entire town and its Indian population to an encomendero  as the treasure hoped for after the conquest of the Aztecs did not amount to much as much of it had been lost in the retreat of Noche Triste . The main products were silver, sugar, cacao, hides and fine woods. Wine was introduced early to New Spain , but wine production was controlled in New Mexico as to not compete with Spanish wineries . The first viceroy was not to arrive in Mexico till 1535. By the 18th century, Spain produced as much silver as the rest of the world combined . Jeff Corwin takes his Extreme Cuisine down to Oaxaca for a demonstration of how to harvest the larvae of wood beetles, (called chiricoco), an important source of protein for the indigenous families. The Spanish capitalized on the colony's natural resources and developed trade based on agricultural products, textiles, and on mining, particularly silver. The race class system remained entrenched despite the stories of fabulous wealth, Spanish! During this period he preached sermons condemning the judges at risk to his life, Indians to... Holy Roman Emperor to learn Spanish explore an area across colonial Mexico twelve thousand churches were built and almost... 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