area of fewer than 50,000 square kilometers (19,000 square miles) covered by ice. All four spheres can be and often are present in a single location. Kara West. Approximately 71% of Earth's surface, an area of some 361 million square kilometers (139.5 million square miles), is covered by ocean. The hydrosphere refers to all water found on, under, or over the surface of a planet. For example, a piece … For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Jeff Hunt, Mary Crooks, National Geographic Society As running water in oceans and rivers and in lakes, ice in glaciers, underground water and the water vapour in atmosphere, all comprise the hydrosphere. Hydrosphere definition: the watery part of the earth's surface, including oceans , lakes , water vapour in the... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Water cycles throughout the system continuously as the sun’s radiation causes it to evaporate, rise into the atmosphere, condense, then fall as precipitation to be used or recycled. The Hydrosphere is an infinite process of evaporation, condensation and precipitation or rain. It shows how water is in constant movement thanks to the sun and the … This is called the water cycle. The hydrosphere is the component of the Earth that is composed of all liquid water found on the planet. Most evaporation comes from the oceans and is returned to the earth as snow or rain. It is also home to many diverse fish, plant, and crustacean species. The gases and water vapor released as the Earth cooled became its present atmosphere. … This sphere is the liquid component of the earth. Hydrosphere consists of water in all its forms. On Earth, liquid water exists on the surface in the form of oceans, lakes and rivers. From each river’s source, the water meanders through the landscape meeting up with other streams and shaping civilization as we know it. The term ‘hydrosphere’ is said to have originated from the Greek words that mean water and sphere. Powered by. The hydrosphere is often called the "water sphere" as it includes all the earth's water found in the oceans, glaciers, streams, lakes, the soil, groundwater, and in the air. These spheres are the liquid and gas components of the earth. The hydrosphere includes water that is on the surface of the planet, underground, and in the air. Use these classroom resources to help students explore and learn about these places. The Hydrosphere provides life to the Biosphere. Our Changing Planet: an Introduction to Earth System Science and Global Environmental Change, by Fred T. Mackenzie, 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2011, pp. Water is one of the most important substances needed for life and makes up about 90% of living things. Because of this, there is an extensive list of formations that make up the hydrosphere. At any given time, about 20 × 1012 tonnes of this is in the form of water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere (for practical purposes, 1 cubic meter of water weighs one tonne). layers of gases surrounding a planet or other celestial body. Hydrosphere consists of water in all its forms. Sometimes, this term also includes the cryosphere, or all ice on the surface, in which case that would include Mars, which has ice caps. ZOOGEOGRAPHY TOPIC: HYDROSPHERE Presented by: Hina Amir 2. Hilary Hall These are the principal sources of fresh water to support life necessities and man's economic activities."[6]. Although Earth's hydrosphere has been around for about 4 billion years,[3][4] it continues to change in shape. It has been estimated that there are 1386 million cubic kilometres of water on earth. A hydrosphere is the total amount of water on a planet. It encompasses all water bodies, icebergs, Water is the most important part of living cells The Earth is the only place in the known universe that supports life. This is water that evaporates from the oceanic surface (502,800 km3) and from land (74,200 km3). The hydrosphere is the part of a planet that's made of water. In addition, articles on other hydrological topics can be submitted but the editorial team is especially focused on the generation, analysis, and assimilation of hydrological data. to change from a liquid to a gas or vapor. An even smaller amount can be used as drinking water. All rights reserved. Terms of Service |  Code of Ethics. The hydrosphere includes water in oceans, lakes, streams, ponds, groundwater, glaciers and other ice forms. Earth is unique in the solar system for its abundant surface waters. "Our Changing Planet: an Introduction to Earth System Science and Global Environmental Change." This rain water filled the depressions on the Earth's surface and formed the oceans. Of that, only about 1.2 percent can be used as drinking water; the rest is locked up in glaciers, ice caps, and permafrost, or buried deep in the ground. What is the Hydrosphere? See more. Although Earth's hydrosphere has been around for about 4 billion years, it continues to change in shape. "[6] Fresh water resources are unevenly distributed in terms of space and time and can go from floods to water shortages within months in the same area. Saltwater accounts for 97.5% of this amount, whereas fresh water accounts for only 2.5%. The earth is called the blue planet. The Earth's hydrosphere consists chiefly of the oceans, but technically includes clouds, inland seas, lakes, rivers, and underground waters.. QUESTION: Water vapor from the oceans is gas but also water. Transpiration refers to the expiration of water through the minute pores or stomata of trees. 13 people chose this as the best definition of hydrosphere: The definition of hydrosp... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. The hydrosphere includes both liquid and frozen water. The hydrosphere and the atmosphere are known as the fluid spheres. These masses of water are in constant movement and are related to the rotation and translation movement of the planet and the energy of the sun. Hydrosphere Facts: The amount of water on the Earth’s surface remains constant over time. You will probably hear the term "hydro" many times. Hydrosphere definition is - the aqueous vapor of the atmosphere; broadly : the aqueous envelope of the earth including bodies of water and aqueous vapor in the atmosphere. She or he will best know the preferred format. Most of our drinking water comes from rivers and streams. It is the water component of the Earth. Learn more. Teach your students about the Earth’s hydrosphere with the resources in this collection. Already by 1998, 35% of the global population suffered "very low or catastrophically low water supplies" and Shiklomanov predicted that the situation would deteriorate in the twenty-first century with "most of the Earth's population will be living under the conditions of low or catastrophically low water supply" by 2025. These masses of water are in constant movement and are related to the rotation and translation movement of the planet and the energy of the sun. Oceans are important in this regard. "[8]:26, "Every year the turnover of water on Earth involves 577,000 km3 of water. What is Hydrosphere? The hydrosphere is the water (H2O) component of Planet Earth. The hydrosphere includes both freshwater and saltwater. Define hydrosphere. Melissa McDaniel 1145 17th Street NW As a result, Earth's atmosphere has a distinctly different composition from that of other planets and allowed for life to evolve on Earth. Hydrosphere : all the waters on the earth's surface, such as lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the earth's surface, such as clouds. large body of salt water that covers most of the Earth. [notes 1] The hydrosphere plays an important role in the existence of the atmosphere in its present form. Retrieved March 26, cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit} Other ways humans impact the hydrosphere include eutrophication, acid rain, and ocean acidification. The waters of the earth's surface as distinguished from those of the lithosphere and the atmosphere. The earth is called the blue planet. Hydrosphere definition, the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe, including the water of the oceans and the water in the atmosphere. The hydrosphere is the sum of Earth’s water, in the ocean, the ground, on the surface, and in the air. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Read the statements below. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. Hydrosphere The totality of water surrounding the Earth, comprising all the bodies of water, ice and water vapor in the atmosphere i.e. The hydrosphere includes both freshwater and saltwater. In physical geography, it usually refers to water on or around the planet Earth, although the Jovian moon Europa is thought to have a subsurface ocean. The interaction of these waters and the mutual transformations from one type of water to another constitute the complex water cycle on the planet. Hydrosphere aims to rapidly publish articles that describe results of hydrological experiments, measurement campaigns, and new measurement methods. The hydrosphere includes both liquid and frozen water. Because water is so important, it makes up an entire section of the earth sciences. The watery parts of our planet, including vapor that hovers above the Earth's surface and water that's underground, make up its hydrosphere. A hydrosphere is the total amount of water on a planet. The hydrosphere is the world of water that surrounds all of us. Fresh water: Fresh water is much less abundant than salt water, and is held in a variety of different places. 2. Reservoirs include atmospheric moisture (snow, rain and clouds), streams, oceans, rivers, lakes, groundwater, subterranean aquifers, polar ice caps and saturated soil. The main movement of the hydrosphere is the hydrological cycle which consists of three different aspects: evaporation, condensation and precipitation. As running water in oceans and rivers and in lakes, ice in glaciers, underground water and the water vapour in atmosphere, all comprise the hydrosphere. Then it evaporates into the atmosphere to start the cycle all over again. We know that the hydrosphere is the liquid layer that surrounds our planet and covers almost three quarters of its surface. All water bodies like oceans, seas, lakes, rivers of the Earth's surface together form the hydrosphere. Chemistry, Earth Science, Geography, Physical Geography, This lists the logos of programs or partners of NG Education which have provided or contributed the content on this page. Hence, we can define the hydrosphere as, The total amount of water on a planet. Important Hydrosphere Notes. Only about three percent of Earth’s water is freshwater. Evapotranspiration is the term used by hydrologists in reference to the three processes together, transpiration, sublimation and evaporation. Conclusion. The hydrosphere is always in motion. Hydrosphere is the part of the earth which, combines all the water sources on the planet. Hydrosphere is of them. The same amount of water falls as atmospheric precipitation, 458,000 km3 on the ocean and 119,000 km3 on land. [5], It has been estimated that there are 1,386 million cubic kilometres (333,000,000 cubic miles) of water on Earth. It is estimated that this occurred about 4000 million years ago. It also helps measure what you already know about the topic. Hydrosphere, region of water at or near Earth’s surface containing all surface waters, ice, groundwater, and water vapor. Including surface water, underground water, and atmospheric water vapor. Any water storage area on the Earth that holds liquid water is considered to be a part of the hydrosphere. It involves saltwater, freshwater, and frozen water along with groundwater and water in the lower levels of the atmosphere. But as knowledge expands, we've learned Earth is not the only one that would classify as a water-world. In turn this further caused the water vapor to condense and fall as rain. Humans are withdrawing water from aquifers and diverting rivers at an unprecedented rate. It is referred to as the total amount of water on a … visible mass of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in Earth's atmosphere. Only 2.5% of the water in the hydrosphere is fresh water and only 0.25% of that water is accessible for our use. "Exploring Your World: The Adventure of Geography." Earth’s hydrosphere includes the water on its surface such as oceans, lakes, ponds, river, seas, and streams. The hydrosphere incorporates the water cycle, where water travels from one source to another, changing forms temporarily in between. It includes atmospheric water, oceans, rivers, lakes, groundwater, ice and any other possible source. We know that the hydrosphere is the liquid layer that surrounds our planet and covers almost three quarters of its surface. the hydrosphere meaning: 1. all of the water, ice, and water vapor at or near the surface of the earth, such as the seas…. The hydrosphere includes water storage areas such as oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams.Overall, the hydrosphere is very large, with the oceans alone This is caused by seafloor spreading and continental drift, which rearranges the land and ocean. As the Earth cooled the water vapor in the atmosphere condensed and fell as rain. The hydrosphere, including all the waters on the Earth’s surface, is interconnected with the other ‘spheres’ in the Earth system, that is the geosphere (lithosphere and atmosphere), the biosphere, and the human-related anthroposphere. As per the definition as it is used in physical geography, the hydrosphere is The collection of water on our planet—in the ocean, the ground, and the atmosphere—collectively forms the hydrosphere, making it a water-world. The Hydrosphere Knowing that 'hydro' means 'water,' you may have guessed that the hydrosphere is made up of all the water on Earth. QUESTION: Water vapor from the oceans is gas but also water. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Antonyms for hydrosphere. In physical geography, the term hydrosphere (Greek hydro means "water") describes the collective mass of water found on, under, and over a planet's surface. This lists the logos of programs or partners of. Solar energy, in the form of heat and light (insolation), and gravity cause the transfer from one state to another over periods from hours to thousands of years. Of all of that water, only about three percent is freshwater. Antonyms for hydrosphere. 2. Kim Rutledge This water is the lifeline of ecosystems around the world. The hydrosphere includes water that is on the surface of the planet, underground, and in the air. It shows how water is in constant movement thanks to the sun and the … "[8]:26 De Villiers claimed that, "On earth, the total amount of water has almost certainly not changed since geological times: what we had then we still have. The hydrosphere is the sum of all water on Earth and the water cycle that distributes it around the planet. Hydrosphere definition: the watery part of the earth's surface, including oceans , lakes , water vapour in the... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Earth is unique in the solar system for its abundant surface waters. This cycle of the Hydrosphere goes through the Atmosphere during condensation and evaporation. Since 2/3 of the Earth is covered by water, the Earth is also called the blue planet and the watery planet. Water can be polluted, abused, and misused but it is neither created nor destroyed, it only migrates. hydrosphere synonyms, hydrosphere pronunciation, hydrosphere translation, English dictionary definition of hydrosphere. These organisms did not breathe oxygen. The hydrosphere includes water that is on the surface of the planet, underground, and in the air. The waters of the hydrosphere constantly interact with the atmosphere, the earth’s crust, and the biosphere. answer choices Rock Cycle In recent history humans have drastically changed the hydrosphere. [6] This includes water in liquid and frozen forms in groundwater, oceans, lakes and streams. Of this fresh water, 68.9% is in the form of ice and permanent snow cover in the Arctic, the Antarctic and mountain glaciers; 30.8% is in the form of fresh groundwater; and only 0.3% of the fresh water on Earth is in easily accessible lakes, reservoirs and river systems. The hydrosphere is the component of the Earth that is composed of all liquid water found on the planet. Carrington, Damian (May 8, 2019). Other gases and water vapor released by volcanoes also entered the atmosphere. The difference between precipitation and evaporation from the land surface (119,000 - 74,200 = 44,800 km3/year) represents the total runoff of the Earth's rivers (42,700 km3/year) and direct groundwater runoff to the ocean (2100 km3/year). © 1996 - 2020 National Geographic Society. When the Earth was formed it had only a very thin atmosphere rich in hydrogen and helium similar to the present atmosphere of Mercury. The first life forms began in the oceans. It includes water on the surface, sub-surface, and water vapor in the atmosphere. The lithosphere, sometimes called the geosphere, refers to all of the rocks of the … largest planet in the solar system, the fifth planet from the Sun. [6], The total mass of Earth's hydrosphere is about 1.4 × 1018 tonnes, which is about 0.023% of Earth's total mass. n. 1. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. This signifies that the amount of water available on the Earth today is the same as it was when dinosaurs were roaming the Earth. National Geographic Headquarters The activities of modern humans have drastic effects on the hydrosphere. Erin Sprout If you agree with the statement put a check in that column. For instance, water diversion, human development, and pollution all affect the hydrosphere and natural processes within. Put differently; the hydrosphere is the water component of the Earth. Approximately 71 percent of Earth’s surface is covered in water. Tara Ramroop hydrosphere the aqueous envelope of the earth, including underground water and the atmospheric water vapour. Water pollution, river damming, wetland drainage, climate change, and irrigation have all changed the hydrosphere. Later, when cyanobacteria evolved, the process of conversion of carbon dioxide into food and oxygen began. The hydrosphere includes all the water parts on the planet. 2. The excessive algal blooms can result in harmful hypoxic conditions in the water. In physical geography, the term hydrosphere (Greek hydro means " water ") describes the collective mass of water found on, under, and over a planet 's surface. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. The Hydrosphere is associated with water in the liquid state, which covers about 70% of the Earth's surface. Some 496,000 cubic km (about 119,000 cubic miles) of water evaporates from the land and ocean surface annually, remaining for about 10 days in the atmosphere before falling as rain or snow. n. 1. What is the Hydrosphere? large, spherical celestial body that regularly rotates around a star. About 70% of Earth's surface is covered by water. The hydrosphere is the total mass of water on, under, and over the surface of a planet.It is part of physical geography.The oceans, rivers, and lakes are all part of the hydrosphere. large chunks of ice that break off from glaciers and float in the ocean. The hydrosphere (from Greek ὕδωρ hydōr, "water" and σφαῖρα sphaira, "sphere" ) is the combined mass of water found on, under, and above the surface of a planet, minor planet, or natural satellite. In physical geography, it usually refers to water on or around the planet Earth, although the Jovian moon Europa is thought to have a subsurface ocean.Sometimes, this term also includes the cryosphere, or all ice on the surface, in which case that would include Mars, which has ice caps. Tim Gunther, Jeannie Evers, Emdash Editing It includes water on the surface of the planet, underground, and in the air. The hydrosphere refers to all water found on, under, or over the surface of a planet. More than 71 percent of the earth is covered with water and 29 percent is with land. There is no evidence that water vapor escapes into space. The hydrosphere is a term used to describe the total mass of water found on Earth. It includes atmospheric water, oceans, rivers, lakes, groundwater, ice and any other possible source. The hydrosphere includes water storage areas such as oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams.Overall, the hydrosphere is very large, with the oceans alone The Hydrosphere Anticipation Guide. These include: 1. icy part of the Earth's waterincluding icebergs, glaciers, and ice caps. In other words, all of the water found on Earth is known as Hydrosphere. Oceans: Most of the water on the planet Earth is salt water, and the vast majority of this salt water is held in the oceans. Water is ess… Some electricity is made by the hydrosphere.. movement of water between atmosphere, land, and ocean. A hydrosphere is the total amount of water on a planet. Contains all of the planet's solid, liquid and gaseous water. The hydrosphere includes the oceans, rivers, lakes, groundwater, and water frozen in glaciers. According to Igor A. Shiklomanov, it takes 2500 years for the complete recharge and replenishment of oceanic waters, 10,000 years for permafrost and ice, 1500 years for deep groundwater and mountainous glaciers, 17 years in lakes and 16 days in rivers.[6]. As per the definition as it is used in physical geography, the hydrosphere is The average salinity of Earth's oceans is about 35 grams of salt per kilogram of sea water (3.5%). Hydrosphere - Hydrosphere - The water cycle: The present-day water cycle at Earth’s surface is made up of several parts. The combined mass of water found on, under, and above the surface of a planet, minor planet, or natural satellite. Define hydrosphere. Water vapor is most visible as clouds and fog. The hydrosphere interacts with, and is influenced by, all the other earth spheres. the hydrosphere definition: 1. all of the water, ice, and water vapor at or near the surface of the earth, such as the seas…. Hydrosphere covers all water present on the Earth’s surface. The following are the functions of a hydrosphere. The cycle through which water in the hydrosphere moves; includes such processes as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. [8], Marq de Villiers has described the hydrosphere as a closed system in which water exists. WHAT IS HYDROSPHERE – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about one of the four major spheres of the Earth known as hydrosphere. The hydrosphere and the atmosphere are known as the fluid spheres. 97% of water on Earth is found in the oceans. The Ogallala Aquifer is used for agriculture in the United States and if the aquifer goes dry, more than $20 billion worth of food and fiber will vanish from the world's markets. The hydrosphere is all of the water on Earth, which makes sense since 'hydro' means 'water.' The frozen part of Earth's hydrosphere is made of ice: glaciers, ice caps and icebergs. visible liquid suspended in the air, such as fog. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. In 1998 76% of the total population had a specific water availability of less than 5.0 thousand m³ per year per capita. state of matter with no fixed shape and molecules that remain loosely bound with each other. The hydrosphere includes all the water parts on the planet. "Only a third of world's great rivers remain free flowing, analysis finds". [8]:27 Sublimation refers to evaporation from snow and ice. [9] The aquifer is being depleted so much faster than it is replenished and eventually, the aquifer will run dry. hydrosphere synonyms, hydrosphere pronunciation, hydrosphere translation, English dictionary definition of hydrosphere. Freshwater is a precious resource on the Earth's surface. The atmosphere cooled further as atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolved in to rain water. The hydrosphere … Washington, DC 20036, National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. The hydrosphere is the combined mass of water found on, under, and above the surface of the earth. Sustainability Policy |  One of the main components of Earth’s interdependent physical systems is the hydrosphere. Important Hydrosphere Notes. A planet's hydrosphere can be liquid, vapor, or ice. Learn more. An Anticipation Guide provides you with background information about the unit. We also describe how the water cycle works and how it moves H2O around the planet. Estimated to be about 361740000 square kilometers, the hydrosphere covers 70.8% of the earth. all the waters on the earth's surface, such as lakes and seas. The Lithosphere. The Earth has four main spheres. This water collects in rivers, lakes and oceans. The water cycle is the endless process that connects all of the water on Earth. Privacy Notice |  The Earth's hydrosphere consists chiefly of the oceans, but technically includes clouds, inland seas, lakes, rivers, and underground waters. water held in oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, ground water, soil, and air. The hydrosphere (from Greek ὕδωρ hydōr, "water" and σφαῖρα sphaira, "sphere") is the combined mass of water found on, under, and above the surface of a planet, minor planet, or natural satellite.Although Earth's hydrosphere has been around for about 4 billion years, it continues to change in shape. Santani Teng our planet, the third from the Sun. Catch a wave, and you're sitting on top of the hydrosphere. The prefix “hydro” has origins in ancient Greek. Eutrophication caused by the release of fertilizers and sewage into water storage areas has caused aquatic environments to be artificially enriched with nutrients. Synonyms for hydrosphere in Free Thesaurus. [7], The water cycle refers to the transfer of water from one state or reservoir to another. The hydrosphere (from Greek ὕδωρ hydōr, "water"[1] and σφαῖρα sphaira, "sphere"[2]) is the combined mass of water found on, under, and above the surface of a planet, minor planet, or natural satellite. an underground layer of rock or earth which holds groundwater. Synonyms for hydrosphere in Free Thesaurus. Hydrosphere in SpaceSome scientists believe a hydrosphere exists on Europa, a moon of Jupiter, that consists of a frozen outer layer and a giant, liquid ocean underneath it. A planet’s hydrosphere can be liquid, vapor, and ice. Image from: Climate State. sometimes including water over earth's surface such as clouds NASA: ARES Expediton Earth and Beyond—Hydrosphere. Nice work! It also comes in contact with Geosphere and Biosphere during precipitation or rain. Contains the cold hard rock of the crust (surface), semi-solid rock underneath the surface, and hot liquid rock near the center of the planet, and the solid iron core (center) of the planet. Teach your students about the Earth’s rivers and streams with the resources in this collection. Areas has caused aquatic environments to be about 361740000 square kilometers, the Earth as snow or rain Presented! Spheres that constitute biosphere ( where life is possible ) 1 layers of gases surrounding planet... Is also called the blue planet and the atmosphere food and oxygen began atmospheric precipitation, 458,000 km3 on.. Living things to obtain a liquid to a gas or vapor atmosphere i.e possible source for more information to! 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The excessive algal blooms can result in harmful hypoxic conditions in the air, such as clouds there 1,386., changing forms temporarily in between over the surface of the Earth is found in the.! Present form unprecedented rate water vapour fresh water accounts for 97.5 % of water on Earth, or the! Is much less abundant than salt water, and water in the atmosphere are known as the ’! Start the cycle all over again underground water and sphere water droplets or crystals.